NON ALUMNI – Annual Abojani Economic Empowerment Conference 2024

KSh 9,500.00

The 4th Annual Abojani Economic Empowerment Conference 2024

Date: 23rd November 2024

Venue: Radisson Blu Upper Hill


Building Staying Power as African Households and Businesses

SKU: ABO-003 Category:


The 4th Annual Abojani Economic Empowerment Conference 2024

On the 23rd of November, 2024 a multitude of enthusiastic investors, both established and novices will be gathering at the Radisson Blu-Upperhill for the Annual Abojani Economic Empowerment Conference. The event will feature speakers with expertise spanning different fields including, finance, investments, estate planning, trusts, preparing for retirement, growing and scaling your business and technology.

These speakers will have one mission, to share with the guests, wealth creation and career development strategies that actually work. Our Keynote speaker this year shall share with the attendees, nuggets from both education and experience on Building Staying Power as African Households and Businesses.


Why Should YOU Attend the 4th Economic Empowerment Conference 2024

Learn from Expert Experiences

  • Everyone thinks they can be wealthy or successful in their careers, but few have actually done it. Abojani investments works hard to bring you speakers and guests that have walked the treacherous path of entrepreneurship or ascended to the highest heights in their professions.
  • These experiences are invaluable because they will teach you the unwritten rules and nuances that will define success in your area of interest.

Everybody is coming

  • From local celebrities to known professionals, every year, the Economic Empowerment Conference attracts a diverse pool of guests.
  • You will interact with Captains of Industries and business moguls but you will also be at home with new investors and professionals who want to start or have just started their wealth creation journey.

Networking Opportunities

  • Meet and interact with interesting people from different industries on different career paths and learn just how dynamic the Abojani community is.
  • During the conference, you will meet business people, financial advisers and other professionals both with local and diaspora roots and you will have a chance to not only network but learn from them.

Welcome to the 4th Annual Economic Empowerment Conference 2024